Drill down Vimshottari Dasha till Prana and Sookshma The most detailed Varshaphala section anywhere. Some of the features of Horoscope Explorer can't be found in software 5 times as expensive. Analysis of Planetary Aspects (Drishti) Horoscope Explorer offers you details analysis of:. The most comprehensive set of predictions. Varshaphala (Yearly Progressed Horoscope)

Horoscope Explorer is the complete Natal Vedic Astrology software in 3 sections: (English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Bengali, Marathi, Gujarati, Malayalam and Oriya) With analysis for Varshaphala planets, kundali, dashas, muntha and other combinations, you will have the most insight that Vedic Astrology provides for yearly astrology. Horoscope Explorer has the biggest section on Varshaphala Jyotish in any astrology software.

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