Well I can take that because, full disclosure, the adrenal gland is my favorite gland. What is the adrenal gland? Many people are not aware of where it is, what it does.

So, first of all, let's talk about the adrenal gland. We're going to talk a little bit about the adrenal gland and how it relates to something that's really, really common around the world, and that is high blood pressure. And that is the absolute perfect segue into our topic for the day, which is adrenals.

I was removing an adrenal gland for one of the diseases we're going to be talking about today. McManus, that we had to reschedule this interview. Why don't you tell us what you were doing, Dr. So I think the first thing I wanted to mention was that we actually are rescheduled today because of something perfectly appropriate. Signs that the Adrenal Gland May Be Causing Hypertension.How Commonly Is the Adrenal Gland the Main Cause Of Hypertension?.The following is a transcription of the discussion, and is loosely edited for context and clarity. Lowe on an episode of Columbia Surgery’s podcast Conversations and Curbsides. Katie McManus, an adrenal surgeon-joined Dr. Salila Kurra, an endocrinologist and head of Columbia’s Adrenal Center and Dr.

To help shed light on this topic, two of Columbia’s own adrenal specialists-Dr. Hyesoo Lowe hosted a conversation, exploring why some people who have hypertension and high blood pressure may have their adrenal glands to blame. In service of Adrenal Awareness Month, 2022, Columbia endocrinologist Dr. Three Doctors Discuss how HyperAldosteronism Causes Hypertension